How Much Alkaline Water Can I Drink a Day?

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Alkaline water is now considered a health drink in specific health and fitness circles because of its many potential health benefits.

Of course, alkaline water is not your usual source of hydration. There’s a science that makes this water special.

Thus, it isn’t surprising for many to wonder how different it is from regular drinking water and ask, “How much alkaline water can I drink a day?

You’ll be pleased to learn that there is no limit to how much you can consume.

Make sure to follow our recommended tips on how to transition from drinking “regular water” to alkaline water.

The Science Behind Alkaline Water

So what makes alkaline water special?

Well, alkaline is a term that pertains to this fluid’s pH levels (or hydrogen ion concentration). pH levels are measured using a scale of zero to 14.

If the number is lower than seven, then it means that the substance is acidic. On the other hand, if the number is higher than seven, then it means that the substance is alkaline or basic.

As a point of reference, regular drinking water has a neutral pH level of seven. Meaning that alkaline water has a higher pH.

For now, just keep in mind that this water’s alkalinity sets it apart from the other types of drinking water out there.

How Much Water Should You Drink in a Day?

Before we go to the specifics, let’s first understand the established amount of water humans should drink and why.

The human body is made of mostly water. More accurately, 78% of a baby’s body is water. As the body develops, this percentage falls to just 65% by one year of age.

Adult men are 60% water, while adult women are 55%.

According to the United States Geological Survey, this fluid is well-distributed throughout our body.

Case in point: the human heart and brain are made of 73% water. Other vital organs have a high water percentage too.

Hence, you can only imagine how much water can impact our health.

Harvard Health states that the water in our body plays a huge role in its upkeep.

Some of its essential tasks include delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, aiding digestion, lubricating our joints, and regulating our internal body temperature, just to name a few.

So how much water do we need? The common belief is that we must drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

However, in the same article by Harvard Health, it was stated that many of us only need four to six cups. In fact, it is even possible for a person to overhydrate.

Those with medical conditions such as thyroid disease and heart issues are more vulnerable.

So are those who take prescriptions known to make the body retain more water, such as certain pain medications and antidepressants.

Indeed, how much water a person needs may vary. Hence, the best way to determine how much you need to hydrate is to ask your doctor.

How Much Alkaline Water Can I Drink a Day?

There is still so much that science needs to uncover about alkaline water and its effects, however, this is what we know so far.

Nothing has been found to suggest any health repercussions to drinking alkaline water. It’s completely safe to consume. In fact, even babies can drink it.

Also, drinking alkaline water can offer many health benefits, such as helping improve blood viscosity, preventing high blood pressure (especially after a strenuous workout), and deactivating pepsin (the enzyme that causes acid reflux disease).

As such, you can drink the same amount of alkaline water as you would normal drinking water.

If you currently drink eight glasses of regular water as part of the daily consumption you’re used to, then know that you can also consume that much alkaline water.

A Quick Disclaimer: Since we all have different health conditions, we highly recommend consulting your doctor before switching to alkaline water.

Some report experiencing temporary side effects as the body adjusts from drinking plain water to something with a high pH.

Don’t worry; we’ll share some tips to help you make that switch and enjoy the full benefits of alkaline water.

In the meantime, let’s talk about the best times to drink it.

how much alkaline water can i drink a day

When Is the Best Time to Drink Alkaline Water?

You may drink alkaline water whenever you need to hydrate. Of all the alkaline water benefits, our favorite has got to be its taste.

It’s as delicious and sweet as fresh spring water, so it can encourage people to drink more.

However, we recommend making a habit of drinking alkaline water before bed. There are health claims that it has relaxing benefits that can improve sleep quality.

As mentioned, alkaline water also offers special benefits after intense physical activities.

That is why we also deem it an ideal hydration option after exercise. Some sources claim that consuming alkaline water can also help with weight loss.

Tips to Help Your Body Adjust to Alkaline Water Better

Do you want to enjoy the full benefits of consuming alkaline water?

Here are tips on how to help your body transition:

Do It Gradually

Don’t just make a sudden switch from drinking regular tap water to alkaline water overnight.

Instead, it’s better to build up your alkaline water consumption gradually. It will give your body enough time to adjust to the new pH levels.

Suppose you drink eight glasses of water per day. You can start with three to four glasses of alkaline water distributed throughout the day and, of course, supplemented by regular water.

You can then just increase your intake with a glass or two more each week.

Don’t Drink It Immediately Before and After Meals

Our digestive system produces gastric acid to aid in breaking down our food and absorbing nutrients.

Alkaline water can interfere with that natural process and even cause gastrointestinal distress, especially if you haven’t quite adjusted to it yet.

As such, we don’t recommend drinking alkaline water within 30 minutes before or after a meal.

Be Patient

Not everyone experiences negative side effects, but we have heard of people going through flu-like symptoms during the transition.

After all, the shift of your body’s pH levels is still a chemical process.

If you have followed our earlier tip to start slow, then we are confident you’ll be able to minimize these symptoms as much as possible.

Besides, health professionals ensure that these are all normal and shouldn’t lead to health problems.

We recommend consulting your doctor if you’re concerned.

Be Consistent

The tips we have featured so far are for people who are already avid water drinkers, but what if you’re not?

Then you need to be creative in increasing your water intake. Using a tracker can be helpful. There are digital and analog methods available.

You can also make it a point to incorporate alkaline water into your exercise routine.

According to a review published by the journal Clinics in Sports Medicine, it is recommended to drink a cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise to ensure proper hydration.

You can always make small adjustments depending on how much you sweat during the session. Lastly, you may consider different sources of alkaline water.

One of the benefits of having this type of water is that it’s easy to find alkaline bottled water in any grocery and health store these days.

You can also consider preparing your own alkaline water at home with the help of a water ionizer.

Admittedly, water ionizers are not cheap, but they are an excellent investment for your health and your family’s.

There are also formulas online that can teach you how to add alkalinity to your purified or filtered water with pH drops or baking soda.

Drinking the Right Amount of Alkaline Water

Indeed, alkaline water is a hydration option that offers many health benefits on top of what plain water already provides.

It can help you deal with acid reflux, improve your blood flow, and ensure efficient hydration during strenuous exercise.

That’s not all. It tastes good and can even encourage those who find it challenging to meet their ideal hydration rate.

So, how much alkaline water can I drink a day to enjoy all these benefits and more?

You can drink as much as you can, but we recommend consulting your doctor before changing your regular hydration routine.

If you’re fond of drinking lemon water, using alkaline water won’t also be an issue.

Don’t forget that lemon juice is acidic, and adding lemon to alkaline water neutralizes the pH.

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